Saturday, December 5, 2009

I'm very excited!

Today is the first day of my very first post on Anna... Out and About.  I am enthused at the fact that I can share to others what I see and explore what others have to share.  This blog is actually included in my bucket list and was, at first, an attempt to find support for girlfriends/fiance/wives of police/sheriffs. As read through blogs, researching and figuring out what to write about, I was utterly inspired.  In just a few minutes, I decided to create my own account and start writing about anything and everything around me.

I do want to thank A Police Wife because it was her blog that encouraged me to take a step in a different direction and use this blog as a way to express myself, vent my frustrations, and maybe get some advice from others who are in the same boat as I am.        


  1. Hey! So glad to see you on here! I look forward to your posts and to learn more about you! I'm loving that you are an hula/tahitian dancer. I wish I could shake my hips like that.

    I'll add you to the pw list!

  2. Welcome! I too am a girlfriend of a police officer and found inspiration from Mrs. Fuzz to start up a blog. I look forward to reading about your everything and anythings!

  3. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I've been dating a police officer for the past six months and "the girls" on here have helped me keep an even keel throughout some moments that might have taken different turns otherwise. But I've been blogging a lot longer than that. It's such a great outlet. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you. :)

  4. Welcome to blog-land! My DH is a police officer and I'm a dispatcher. Can't wait to see what inspires you to write next!

  5. Welcome to blog land!found you through MrsFuzz,I too am a PW. Thats a great idea about the bucket list.

  6. Im so excited to keep finding these blogs from Police wives and girlfriends. My honey just started the academy and we are excited and nervous about the things to come.
